Academic Policies and Regulations

It is the responsibility of the graduate candidate to become thoroughly informed about the general regulations as stated in this catalog.

The graduate candidate is responsible for completing all program requirements within the permitted time limit. Academic policies of the Graduate Education program are made and enforced by the Graduate Academic Curriculum and Policy Committee (GACPC). Requests for clarification or exceptions to these policies must be made through the Dean of Education to this body.

Graduate study is generally more research-oriented and more specialized and in-depth than undergraduate education. Graduate candidates are expected to show maturity and resourcefulness and to accept the responsibility of meeting the demands of challenging course work. They are also expected to have organized and disciplined work habits that maximize success in demanding courses.

A candidate is admitted to the pool of accepted applicants after she/he has submitted all required materials to the Graduate Admissions Office, completed an online application, and when the materials have been reviewed and approved by the Dean of Education. Formal admission occurs after the candidate has completed the required orientation advising session, signed a curriculum contract and completed registration. Admission allows the candidate to take initial coursework and to receive financial aid. Formal admission and continuous progress requirements vary by program. Successful scores on all program assessments, meeting requirements at the various checkpoints, a 3.0 GPA, and compliance with the qualitative standards for coursework are also requirements for the degree.