Continuous Progress

As candidates progress through a specific program, they are required to successfully complete specified major performance assessments. These assessments are completed in specific courses, and measure the candidate’s competence in meeting state and specialty standards. Major assessments are used both to track the progress of individual candidates, and to inform the unit of any program weaknesses that need to be addressed. Candidate performance on various major program assessments, along with other criteria used to assess progress, is formally evaluated at various checkpoints, and candidates are provided with formal feedback on their progress at these junctures. Candidates who fail to meet minimal requirements for passing a particular assessment are required to meet with the course instructor and devise an action plan. All major assessments must be satisfactorily completed before the candidate can graduate from the program. Candidates must also complete the major assessments designated at each program checkpoint before progressing to the next sequence of courses. Candidates must adhere to course sequence and priority checkpoints before advancing in a MA program.