Education Administration

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Majors and Minors


EDA600 : Introduction to School Leadership by Leading Teaching and Learning

Instructional leaders have a knowledge base of curriculum and how curriculum drives instruction. Effective principals understand how other facets of the school (i.e. discipline, special education, food service, transportation, etc.) impact curriculum and instruction. This introductory course provides an overview of several facets of school administration and their relationship to curriculum. These areas will be addressed through a review and assessment of current individual school improvement plans and artifact data. The preliminary planning of a new school improvement plan will be created as a component to a major assessment required in EDA605.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA602 : Leadership for Human Resources Development in Schools

This course will examine the importance of hiring and retaining highly qualified staff. Examination of legal aspects of working with personnel including evaluations/supervision, professional development, site-based decision-making procedures and working with unions will be examined. Personnel decisions impact instructional best practices and how they are aligned with teacher standards and expectations with the development of school improvement and professional development plans to increase student achievement will also be addressed.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA604 : Organization and Legal Aspects of the School Principal

Candidates will learn the laws, regulations, and policies under which schools must function for legal and ethical implications regarding principal leadership and student achievement. Systems thinking related to student learning and achievement and the role of shared decision-making in school improvement planning will also be investigated.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA605 : Field Experiences in Leadership I

Candidates will participate in field-based experiences related to content learned in EDA600, EDA602, and EDA604. A major anchor assessment is completed as a part of this class. Pre-requisite of a “B” or better in EDA600, EDA602, and EDA604 and approval of the Principal Program Director.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA606 : School Climate and Culture

In this course, candidates will research, analyze, and evaluate the role of the principal as cultural manager, change agent, community builder and ethical leader. Field work to compare research findings with site data collection will be analyzed and presented. Case studies will be developed for legal and ethical implications regarding the impact of culture on principal leadership and student achievement.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA608 : Leveraging Community Systems and Resources

This course is designed to immerse the candidate in building relationships with families, developing partnerships with community stakeholders, and working collaboratively with both while leveraging varied and multiple resources to support shared goals and objectives within the school community. Field practice will help the candidate learn how to work collaboratively to assess the concerns, needs, and issues of families and communities served by schools; how to identify, assess, and allocate resources to serve jointly identified goals and objectives; work within the district and school policy guidelines, and monitor resource allocation and program implementation in order to advance student achievement within the school.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA610 : Planning and Management of Technology in Schools for School Leaders

Candidates will address issues in technology leadership at the school leadership level, including setting a vision, integrating technology into instruction and administration, technology professional development and practice, managing technology support, assessment and evaluation, and ensuring social, legal, and ethical use.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA611 : Field Experiences in Leadership II

Candidates will participate in field-based experiences related to content learned in EDA606 and EDA608. A major assessment will be completed as a part of this class. Pre-requisite is a grade of a “B” or better in EDA606 and EDA608 and approval of the Principal Program Director.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA612 : Using Data for Instructional Decision-Making

This course is designed for candidates to examine demographic and achievement data in their school against a backdrop of current educational issues. Candidates will analyze data and develop a proposal for a School Improvement Plan/Capstone Research project. This plan will include the description of the problem, a literature review, a description of the plan, the data analysis, and the research methodology relevant to the Capstone proposal. The SIP (Capstone project) will be implemented in EDA614. Frameworks, theories, practices, and techniques used for conducting research related to school/teacher leadership will also be examined.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA614 : School Leadership Practicum

Candidates implement their Capstone Project that was designed in EDA612 and present results to school staff and the school’s site-based council following implementation. A final oral defense of the work before a panel of faculty and practicing school administrators is required.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA616 : Special Topics in School Leadership: Leadership and Management

Candidates that have completed Level 1 of the Principal Program will focus on research-based practices in visionary leadership and school management strategies that lead to growth in the academic performance for all students. Current practices and trends in leadership will be reviewed and evaluated through readings and class activities, then applied and evaluated through field-based experiences in schools.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA618 : Special Topics in School Leadership: Instructional Leadership, Assessment, Collaboration and Climate

Candidates that have completed Level 1 of the Principal Program will focus on research-based practices in instructional leadership, assessment, collaboration, and school climate that lead to growth in academic performance for all students. Current practices and trends in each area will be reviewed and evaluated through readings and class activities, then applied and evaluated through field-based experiences in schools.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA720 : The School Superintendency

This course will focus on the roles and responsibilities of the school district superintendent, including, but not limited to, leadership theory, student learning, community engagement, management, ethics, professional development and building capacity with stakeholders.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA722 : School District Administration

This course will focus on school management, including, but not limited to, operations of federal, state and local laws governing school system administration, school finance, personnel, food service, facilities, transportation, school safety and school-based councils.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA724 : Strategic Planning in Education

This course will focus on student learning and best practices in executive school leader-ship, including, but not limited to, developing skills that facilitate rigorous curriculum and engaging instruction, creating comprehensive assessment systems and developing academic support systems that ensure student success.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA726 : Leading School District Change

This course will focus on the roles and responsibilities of the school district super-intendent, including, but not limited to, understanding leadership theory, analyzing data to make school district decisions and how to lead the change process through scaling innovation and advanced leadership development.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA730 : Introduction to School Leadership by Leading Teaching and Learning for the Supervisor of Instruction

Instructional leaders have a knowledge base of curriculum and how curriculum drives instruction. Effective principals understand how other facets of the school (i.e. discipline, special education, food service, transportation, etc.) impact curriculum and instruction. This introductory course provides an overview of several facets of school administration and their relationship to curriculum. These areas will be addressed through a review and assessment of current individual school improvement plans and artifact data. This course may be cross-listed with, or substituted for EDA 600.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA732 : Leadership for Human Resources Development in Schools

This course will examine the importance of hiring and retaining highly qualified staff. Examination of legal aspects of working with personnel including evaluations/supervision, professional development, site-based decision-making procedures and working with unions will be examined. Personnel decisions impact instructional best practices and how they are aligned with teacher standards and expectations with the development of school improvement and professional development plans to increase student achievement will also be addressed. This course may be cross-listed with, or substituted for, EDA 602.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA734 : Finance and Legal Aspects for the Instructional Supervisor

Students will learn the laws, regulations, and policies under which schools must function for legal and ethical implications regarding instructional leadership and student achievement. Systems thinking related to student learning and achievement and the role of shared decision-making in school improvement planning will also be investigated, and finance issues related to instructional supervisors will be investigated.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA736 : Advanced Assessment for Instructional Supervisors

This course goes beyond basic classroom assessments to provide an in-depth view of school and district-wide assessments from a school leadership perspective. Candidates will investigate school and district-wide assessment procedures, including reviewing types of assessments, data analysis, establishing reliability and validity, and using results in data-based decision making and school improvement.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA738 : Instructional Coaching: Building Teacher Capacity
through Mentoring and Collaboration

This course is designed to provide opportunities for candidates to explore what it means to be an effective instructional coach, gain field experience in various coaching methods, including co-teaching experiences, in a supportive and critically reflective environment, and help candidates develop a toolbox to support a range of coaching interactions. The course will focus on the following five central questions:
1. What knowledge, skills and dispositions do instructional coaches need to be effective:
2. How can instructional coaches establish and maintain collaborative relationships with teachers?
3. How can instructional coaches use different forms of professional development to foster teacher learning and growth?
4. How can instructional coaches support student learning and achievement?
5. How can instructional coaches establish and maintain collaborative relationships with principals and/or other instructional leaders?

Credit Hour(s)


EDA750 : Instruction to School Leadership by Leading Teaching and Learning

Instructional leaders have a knowledge base of curriculum and how curriculum drives instruction. Effective principals understand how other facets of the school (i.e. discipline, special education, food service, transportation, etc.) impact curriculum and instruction. This introductory course provides an overview of several facets of school administration and their relationship to curriculum. These areas will be addressed through a review and assessment of current individual school improvement plans and artifact data. This course may be cross-listed with, or substituted for EDA 600.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA752 : Human Resources Leadership

Candidates will evaluate current school processes for selecting staff induction, supervising staff, and providing professional development for staff. Candidates will recommend ways to improve the development of adult human resources in schools. Candidates will demonstrate knowledge of required components and implementation of a comprehensive human resources program.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA756 : Principles of School Safety

This course is designated as an introductory course covering school safety for educators at all levels including education administrators and risk managers. The course will approach safety from the aspect of managing loss potentials for educational service employees, students, and school visitors. The course progresses from defining school safety and exploring the concepts of safety as a leadership principle to a descriptive project of school safety by occupational classifications. The course will culminate by exploring foundational management techniques for school safety and their application to some common safety issues.

Credit Hour(s)


EDA758 : Director of Pupil Personnel—Internship in Educational Leadership

Candidates will participate in field-based experiences related to content learned throughout the Director of Pupil Personnel program. A major capstone assessment is completed as a part of this class.

Credit Hour(s)



completion of EDA 750 and 752 with a minimum grade of a “B” and approval of the Ed Leadership Program Director.