Grades and Scholarship Standards


The Graduate Education grading system is as follows:

A (93-100) (Excellent), B (85-92) (Satisfactory), C (75-84) (Minimally acceptable), F (below 75) (Unacceptable), I (Incomplete*), IP (In Progress*), Pass/Fail*, W (Withdrawn*), AU (Audit*).

* Not figured in computing the grade point average.

Grade Appeal

Following consultation with their department chair, the professor, and the Dean of Education, candidates may request a review of a grade assigned in a particular course. Such an appeal will be heard by the Dean of Education and the Graduate Academic Curriculum and Policy Committee (GACPC). Candidates must file an appeal within one term (semester or summer) of receipt of the grade in question. Appeals should be made in writing, addressed to the GACPC, and submitted to the Dean of Education.

Completion Requirements

All candidates are expected to maintain a grade point average of 3.0 which is the minimum required for graduation. A grade lower than a “C” will not be used for graduate credit in any program. A grade of “I” (Incomplete) must be converted by the assigned due date, but no later than the last day of class of the next semester (spring, summer, fall), or the “I” automatically becomes an “F”.


Candidates with a GPA below 3.0 after attempting at least 6 hours of course work will be placed on probation. Failure to raise the overall grade point average to the required level of 3.0 within the next 12 semester hours of enrollment (including summer terms) or earning a GPA of 2.0 or lower in any probationary semester will result in suspension from Georgetown College for a period of one year. Candidates who are making satisfactory progress and have raised their GPA to at least a 2.8 after 12 semester hours of probationary status may make appeal to the Dean of Education to continue the probationary period for an additional 6 credit hours. No candidate will be allowed to continue on probationary status beyond 18 credit hours from the time that the probation period began.


Failure to raise the overall grade point average to 3.0 at the end of the probation period will result in suspension from Georgetown College for a period of one academic year. Having served the suspension, the candidate may apply for reinstatement to the Graduate Education program, and must meet all current admissions criteria. Reinstatement from suspension will require meeting all readmission policies. After returning from suspension, the candidate will be placed on probation. A second suspension will be final. During the suspension period, no credit earned by the candidate at any institution will be honored by Georgetown College.

Academic Bankruptcy

The Graduate Education department does not permit a candidate to petition for Academic Bankruptcy status.