Graduate Programs in Education Offered

Master of Arts in Education Programs

  • Initial Certification-Elementary P-5
  • Initial Certification-Secondary
  • Initial Certification-P-12/Middle
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Literacy Specialist P-12
  • Special Education
  • Teacher Leader

Certifications and endorsements

Teacher Certifications and Endorsements

  • Instructional Computer Technology Endorsement
  • Learning and Behavior Disorders Certification
  • Literacy Specialist Certification
  • Moderate and Severe Disabilities Certification
  • Teacher Leader Endorsement

Note: Georgetown College offers traditional and alternate route certification programs including Option 6 and Proficiency Evaluations. Contact the Graduate Education office at [email protected] for more information. 

Administrator Certifications

  • Director of Pupil Personnel Certification
  • Director of Special Education Certification
  • School Principalship Certification
  • School Superintendent Certification
  • Supervisor of Instruction Certification

Note: Endorsements and certifications are listed as minors on all transcripts while in process. Once completed, endorsements/certifications also appear in the semester earned.

Georgetown College offers graduate programs for both certified teachers (Advanced Programs) as well as programs leading to Kentucky teacher certification (Initial Programs).

Advanced Programs

Degree Programs:

  • Master of Arts in Education with Literacy Specialist P-12
  • Master of Arts in Education with Instructional Leadership, Level 1
  • Master of Arts in Education with additional certification in Learning and Behavior Disorders P-12
  • Master of Arts in Education with additional certification in Moderate and Severe Disabilities P-12
  • Master of Arts in Education with Teacher Leader P-12

Non-Degree Programs:

  • Director of Pupil Personnel Certification
  • Director of Special Education
  • Instructional Computer Technology Endorsement
  • Literacy Specialist Certification
  • Moderate and Severe Disabilities Certification
  • School Principalship Level 1 Certification
  • School Principalship Level 2 Certification
  • School Superintendent Certification
  • Supervisor of Instruction Certification

Initial Programs

  • Master of Arts in Education with Elementary P-5 Initial Certification
  • Master of Arts in Education with P-12, Middle, or Secondary Initial Certification
  • Master of Arts in Education with Learning and Behavior Disorders Certification
  • Master of Arts in Education with Moderate and Severe Disabilities Certification

Note: Master of Arts Initial Certification in multiple subject areas and Master of Arts Special Education with LBD/MSD certifications are offered via traditional and alternative routes including Option 6.