EDU558 : Developing and Using Web-based Resources in the P-12 Classroom

This course concentrates on developing and implementing web-based resources that can be used by P-12 teachers and/or students. We will be learning how to develop and use these resources by exploring a variety of web-based tools, including (but not limited to) blogs, wikis, web-based multimedia resources, communication tools (discussion forums, chat, etc.), research tools, course management systems, social networking, online gaming, and other new and emerging web-based technologies. We will be focusing on research and design considerations and best practices. This course counts as an elective in the new Instructional Technology Endorsement requirement in the old instructional Technology Endorsement, an elective (pedagogical content knowledge) in the MA for Elementary and an elective (Professional Knowledge) in the MA for secondary/P-12.


EDU527, EDU542, or permission of instructor.



Credit Hour(s)