Proficiency Evaluation

Pursuant to 16 KAR 5:030, candidates may request a proficiency evaluation as “an alternate means for recognizing competency and proficiency other than academic credit…through previous education, unusual experience, or proficiency assessment at a level comparable to the usual requirements in the content area in which the educator is seeking certification.” In order to request an evaluation, a candidate must:

  1. Be fully admitted to the appropriate education program at Georgetown College. 
  2. Submit a formal request for proficiency evaluation to the Dean of Education, stating:
    1. The specific course or program requirement to evaluate for proficiency,
    2. The method to demonstrate proficiency (i.e., previous coursework “at a level comparable to the usual requirements in that curriculum area,” exceptional (unusual) experience, proficiency examination, etc.)
  3. Upon submission of the form, the Dean of Education will consult with the appropriate program coordinator and department chair to evaluate the proficiency application and to make a preliminary recommendation. The recommendation will be taken to the appropriate program faculty for approval and the results will be sent to the Dean of Education. The Dean will evaluate the results, recommend adjustments if needed, document the rationale, and bring the recommendation to the Education Unit for final approval. Upon approval, an “educator learning plan (ELP)” will be created which will include all requirements to demonstrate proficiency. If the proficiency evaluation involves a proficiency examination or evaluation of competencies outside of a regularly scheduled course, the Dean of Education and the program chair will discuss the method for completing and assessing these competencies, which may involve the candidate completing independent study or course by arrangement course(s) if appropriate, or by paying the appropriate credit by exam fee as indicated in the Georgetown College Catalog.
  4. If the proficiency evaluation involves a course taken at another institution but used for a degree at that institution, the course will not be transferred into the program but will be evaluated to ensure that the course content and proficiencies were comparable to the course in the Georgetown College program. Courses accepted must be from a regionally accredited institution.
  5. Graduate candidates may appeal proficiency evaluations as described in the ‘Academic Appeals’ section of the Graduate Catalog. Undergraduate candidates may appeal proficiency evaluations by submitting a letter of appeal to the Dean of Education. The appeal will be taken to the Education Advisory Committee for final dispensation.