Temporary Provisional Certificate (CA-TP)

Georgetown College is committed to placing quality candidates in the field. The following policies apply to candidates applying for their first CA-TP, currently working on a CA-TP, and/or applying for renewal of their CA-TP.

Continuous Enrollment

Candidates who are enrolled in an initial program at the graduate level and who wish to maintain their temporary provisional certificate must be continuously enrolled; that is, they must take classes during the terms in which they are being employed as teachers. Special circumstances will be reviewed by the Program Coordinator and recommended for approval by the Dean of Education.

Grade F Policy

A grade of F in any course indicates that a candidate is not in “Good Academic Standing.” If a candidate earns an F, the course must be repeated the next semester it is offered. A candidate has one year (3 semesters – fall, spring, summer) to replace the F grade. Academic Probation can also affect the Temporary Provisional Certificate.