Transfer of Credits

Candidates enrolled in a graduate degree program are permitted to transfer up to 33% of the required coursework for that program from a regionally or nationally accredited institution.

All credits must be current (within the required timeline or “window” for graduate study as specified on the applicable curriculum contract), must be similar in content and quality to an equivalent Georgetown College course, and must have been earned from a regionally or nationally accredited institution. Transfer credits must be approved by the applicable Program Chair and the Dean of Education or designee.

Credits earned in an endorsement or certification only program may be transferred into a degree program within the required timeline or “window” as specified on the applicable curriculum contract for graduate study upon approval of the applicable Program Chair and the Dean of Education or designee.

Candidates may request transfer of credit hours used toward a previous graduate degree earned from a regionally accredited institution for up to 33% of the credit hours of the degree sought.  Additional credit hours may be considered for transfer upon written request to the Dean of Education or designee in consultation with the applicable Program Chair.  All credits must be current and similar in content and quality to an equivalent Georgetown College course.

Candidates are not permitted to transfer credit to satisfy a requirement for any of the following Georgetown College courses:

  • Culminating Research Courses
    • EDA612/614
    • EDU626
  • Culminating Field Experience Courses
    • ECE576
    • ECE586
    • ECE608
    • ECE616
    • EDU536
  • Field Experience Courses
    • ECE501
    • ECE500
    • ECE612
    • ECE614
    • EDU532
    • EDU535