EDU545 : Curriculum and Assessment for Teacher Leaders

Candidates study the ways that curriculum outcomes and assessment align. They will investigate the use of assessment to determine pupil needs and to evaluate the effects of instruction according to the desired outcomes. Beginning with general theories of curriculum and assessment, candidates will explore a variety of forms of assessment tasks, including those which may indicate learning problems, special abilities, and pupil achievement; identify criteria for determining appropriate and effective assessment; examine assessment from a student-centered perspective; gain competence in applying and interpreting assessments; and explore legal and ethical aspects of assessment. They will also simulate leadership formats with fellow candidates as they study, analyze, reflect on, and communicate curriculum/assessment features and problems. For the core assessment of this course, candidates will outline an overall assessment plan, carry out a clinical experience and analyze the results, and complete a final reflection. Classroom tasks in connection with the core assessment will include collaborative analysis of assessment results in groups of candidates with similar teaching certification as well as group critiques of assessment items.



Credit Hour(s)


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