ECE501 : Behavior Management for LBD Students

This course is designed to provide candidates with knowledge and understanding of behavioral assessment and intervention strategies based on behavior management techniques, including how to design learning environments that help prevent problem behaviors. This is a field placement course. Using Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP) as a model and with the assistance of a mentor teacher and a college supervisor, candidates will develop and teach lesson plans, assess personal professional strengths and needs and develop strategies to pinpoint specific areas in which classroom effectiveness can be improved. Mentored teaching provides information and experiences that address the need for consistent sensitivity to individual, academic, physical, social and cultural differences through demonstration of competencies required by the Kentucky Teacher Standards, the Council for Exceptional Children Standards, and the Georgetown Conceptual Framework. Candidates will be in their LBD classroom or an LBD approved placement for at least 100 hours. This course is offered fall and spring semesters only.

Prerequisite: Candidates must submit a score for the LBD specialty Praxis before registering for ECE500/501. Candidates must pass the LBD specialty Praxis for certification.