Special Education - Concentration in Learning and Behavior Disorders (ESPE) (LBD)

Program Contact: Dr. Melody Deprez

(M.A. Degree) Thirty-nine to Forty-two Hours Required.

The Special Education program with concentration in Learning and Behavior Disorders (LBD) is for candidates who wish to teach students with mild to moderate learning and behavior disorders. The Special Education program is offered to candidates with a bachelor’s degree or certified teachers who hold a teaching certificate and wish to earn a Master’s degree in Special Education.

Candidates are required to have field experience with LBD students across the P-12 age/grade continuum.

Initial candidates must complete 70 days of student teaching with LBD students.

Candidates must submit a score for the LBD specialty Praxis before registering for ECE500/501. Candidates must pass the LBD specialty Praxis for certification.

Alternative Route (Option 6) Program: This program is designed for candidates currently teaching under temporary provisional certificates. 

Core Courses21.00 hours
Field Component Courses9.00-12.00 hours

Field Component Courses

Item #
Credit Hour(s)
Sub-Total Credit Hour(s)
Total credits: