Exceptional Child Education

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ECE500 : Educational Evaluation

A course covering principles of tests and measurement, interpretation of assessment techniques as applied to Special Education and application of assessment data to individualized education programs and classroom assessment strategies.  This course is a field placement course. Candidates will be in their LBD classroom for an LBD approved placement for at least 100 hours. This course is offered fall and spring semesters only.

Prerequisite: Candidates must submit a score for the LBD specialty Praxis before registering for ECE500/501. Candidates must pass the LBD specialty Praxis for certification.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE501 : Behavior Management for LBD Students

This course is designed to provide candidates with knowledge and understanding of behavioral assessment and intervention strategies based on behavior management techniques, including how to design learning environments that help prevent problem behaviors. This is a field placement course. Using Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP) as a model and with the assistance of a mentor teacher and a college supervisor, candidates will develop and teach lesson plans, assess personal professional strengths and needs and develop strategies to pinpoint specific areas in which classroom effectiveness can be improved. Mentored teaching provides information and experiences that address the need for consistent sensitivity to individual, academic, physical, social and cultural differences through demonstration of competencies required by the Kentucky Teacher Standards, the Council for Exceptional Children Standards, and the Georgetown Conceptual Framework. Candidates will be in their LBD classroom or an LBD approved placement for at least 100 hours. This course is offered fall and spring semesters only.

Prerequisite: Candidates must submit a score for the LBD specialty Praxis before registering for ECE500/501. Candidates must pass the LBD specialty Praxis for certification.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE502 : Introduction to LBD

A historical overview of the field of special education will be presented. This course will provide information and knowledge on legislation and litigation in special education, characteristics of children and youth with disabilities, and procedures for eligibility and provision of special education and related services. Special education laws will be addressed relevant to the course content.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE503 : Educational Programming for LBD Students

A course designed to prepare teacher candidates to instruct P-12 students with mild mental disabilities, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, or mild orthopedic handicaps. Content includes effective teaching and learning strategies, development of lesson and unit plans to meet curriculum requirements based on student needs, and differentiation with specially designed instruction in academic areas.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE504 : Collaboration and Advocacy

This course addresses inclusion, collaboration, and advocacy approaches to working with children and youth with disabilities. Approaches for differentiated instruction in an inclusive classroom are presented. Procedures for working with parents and educators in collaborative settings and related and transitional services are discussed.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE508 : Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

This course will provide information about the various manifestations of Autism Spectrum Disorders, including current trends in diagnosis and treatment. It will also address the unique challenges related to learning needs across the spectrum including language, social behaviors, theory of mind, and sensory processing. It will address the historical foundations of autism through present day findings and general supports. Additionally, information will be provided about instruction and supports provided through special education laws and regulations. The outcome for participants will allow them to understand practices with identified needs. Participants will also increase their understanding of the challenges parents face in raising a child on the spectrum, as well as how they may be a valuable participant in the student’s team.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE510 : Evidence-Based Practices for ASD

Evidence-based instructional practices are mandated by both NCLB and IDEIA. This course will examine the research related to evidence-based practices and provide participants with the core strategies recognized by research today. Such strategies will include: social narratives, using work systems, visual supports, incorporating technology, and communication systems. Participants will learn how to analyze student needs through case studies; design and implement an effective educational program matched to student needs to promote communication, on-going learning, and adaptive behavioral skills; structure the physical environment to support learning; provide links between special interests and curriculum; and adapt core content related to Kentucky’s Program of Studies.

Credit Hour(s)




ECE512 : Analyzing Behavior for Students with ASD

This course will provide participants with the tools needed to build on their knowledge of autism while learning to assess behavioral needs. Various strategies will be reviewed to analyze student behavior, identify variables related to the behaviors that are unique to ASD, and develop programs that promote positive behavioral supports (PBS). Some of the strategies addressed will include the Ziggurat model, developed by Aspy and Grossman. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to conduct an assessment of ASD student behavior and develop a behavior plan with identified strategies for instruction and support.

Credit Hour(s)




ECE514 : Application of Strategies in Autism Spectrum Disorders

The intent of any practicum is for the new teacher to effectively demonstrate his or her learned skills in a classroom setting. Participants will demonstrate their competence, according to the CEC standards and the Georgetown College Conceptual Framework, by submitting a portfolio of work. The content will require the participant to complete a portfolio that includes the following: identify the manifestations and needs of student(s) with ASD, review assessment data, observe the student, interview relevant staff/parents, create an instructional plan, and videotape one model lesson. It is expected that candidates will complete 30 clock hours in completing the required portfolio.

Credit Hour(s)



ECE508, ECE510, and ECE512.

ECE542 : Using Technology to Remove Barriers for Students with Disabilities

Introduction to computers as an educational tool through study of application software packages for word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, and the use of the Internet and e-mail in the classroom. Assistive technology and universal design for learning is included for special education teachers.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE575A : Field Studies in LBD Component I Part A

This course is the first of two field courses taken in the first 20 hours of the program (taught in fall and spring only). All candidates who are teaching on an LBD Temporary Provisional certificate must take ECE 575A in their first semester. Using Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP) as a model and with the assistance of a mentor teacher and a college supervisor, candidates will develop and teach lesson plans, assess personal professional strengths and needs and develop strategies to pinpoint specific areas in which classroom effectiveness can be improved. Mentored teaching provides information and experiences that address the need for consistent sensitivity to individual, academic, physical, social and cultural differences through demonstration of competencies required by the Kentucky Teacher Standards, the Council for Exceptional Children Standards, and the Georgetown Conceptual Framework. Candidates will be in their LBD classroom or an LBD approved placement for at least 100 hours. This course is offered fall and spring semesters only.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE575B : Field Studies in LBD Component I Part B

This course is the second of two field courses taken in the first 20 hours of the program (taught in fall and spring only). All candidates who are teaching on an LBD Temporary Provisional certificate must continue in ECE575B for continuous mentored teaching while in the classroom. This course continues the objectives of ECE575A, with particular emphasis on classroom assessment, assistive technology, and development of a professional growth plan. Candidates will be in their LBD classroom for an LBD approved placement for at least 100 hours. This course is offered fall and spring semesters only.

Credit Hour(s)



ECE575A, 501, and 502.

ECE576 : Final Clinical Practice-Field Component II in LBD Special Education

To take 576, candidates are required to be teaching in an LBD position or be in an approved Georgetown student teaching placement, to have taken and passed the required LBD Praxis test to have met all other checkpoint two requirements. Utilizing school classrooms as the laboratory, this course continues the objectives of ECE575 A-B, and candidates should be proficient in the teaching standards by the end of the course. This course is offered fall and spring semesters only.

Credit Hour(s)



ECE500-504, ECE575 A and B and approved final clinical (checkpoint 2) application.

ECE586 : Final Clinical Practice

To take ECE586, candidates are required to be in the alternative certification program in an LBD position or be in an approved Georgetown student teaching placement, to have taken and passed the required LBD Praxis test, and to have met all other checkpoint two requirements. Utilizing school classrooms as the laboratory, this course continues the objectives of ECE 575 A-B, and candidates should be proficient in the teaching standards by the end of the course. This course is offered fall and spring semesters only.

Credit Hour(s)



ECE500-504, ECE575 A and B and approved final clinical (checkpoint 2) application.

ECE602 : Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities

This course analyzes assessment techniques and explores prescriptive programming for moderate to severely disabled persons from infancy to adulthood. Diagnostic and prescriptive programming experiences are necessary in field-based practicum. Candidates are required to complete a field practicum working with MSD students as a requirement of this class.

Credit Hour(s)




ECE606 : Transition Services for Students with Disabilities

This course will address the needs of personnel working with special education students preparing to make the transition from school to adulthood. The course will provide information on: the basic adult needs of a person with developmental disabilities and an interdisciplinary services model to meet those needs. Emphasis will be placed upon the systematic planning and coordination of services that are required for persons with disabilities to achieve maximum quality of life.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE608 : Field Component in MSD

ECE608 is a mentored field experience. As part of the Advanced Moderate to Severe Disabilities Program, candidates will enroll for three hours of mentored teaching utilizing school classrooms as the laboratory. Initial MSD candidates will enroll in 6 hours and complete either a mentored field experience or supervised student teaching. Using KTIP as a model and with the assistance of a mentor teacher and a college supervisor, candidates will assess strengths and needs of MSD students in a chosen classroom. When the needs have been identified for each student, various strategies will be utilized to pinpoint specific areas in which classroom effectiveness can be improved. Candidates should show consistent sensitivity to individual, academic, physical, social and cultural differences and respond in a caring manner. Mentored Teaching provides information and experiences that address this sensitivity through demonstration of the competences required by the Kentucky Teacher Standards as well as essential information regarding teaching as a profession and the Council for Exceptional Children Individualized Independence Curriculum (IIC) Standards for MSD. A leadership plan and professional growth plan addressing the Kentucky Teacher Standards will be completed in ECE608. Based on teacher education, Georgetown College Conceptual Framework, Kentucky Teacher Standards, and the Council for Exceptional Children Standards for Special Education serving students with moderate to severe disabilities, this is the final course required to add certification in Moderate/Severe Disabilities (MSD). Candidates will critically reflect their value orientations and pedagogical foundations as they deepen their reflective practices based on the framework of the education department and its theme, “Developing scholars who are competent and caring educators, committed to a spirit of service and learning” (Georgetown College Conceptual Framework). During ECE608 candidates will extend their skills in planning curriculum and instruction for students with MSD and demonstrate all CEC competencies for MSD teachers as well as Kentucky Teachers Standards in the classroom. Candidates must submit a score for the MSD specialist Praxis before registering for ECE608/616. Candidates must pass the MSD specialty Praxis for certification.

Credit Hour(s)



ECE600, ECE602, ECE604, and ECE606.

ECE610 : Supporting Challenging Behaviors

This course will address the behavioral needs of students with moderate to severe disabilities. The focus is assessment of behaviors and behavior interventions and how to implement in the MSD classroom. Applied behavior analysis theory is examined. Candidates are required to complete a field practicum working with MSD students as a requirement of this class.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE612 : Language Development and Literacy Instruction

This course will focus on language development and how it impacts teaching literacy to students with moderate to severe disabilities. Language disorders will be examined and literacy content explored. Candidates are required to complete a field practicum working with MSD students as a requirement of this class.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE614 : Social Skills Development and Community Access

This course examines the community resources and access for students with moderate to severe disabilities. The course explores social skill theories of development and how it impacts students in the MSD classroom. Candidates are required to complete a field practicum working with MSD students as a requirement of this class.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE616 : Field Component in MSD

ECE616 is the final clinical field experience for the MSD Initial certification program. Initial MSD candidates will enroll in 6 hours and complete either a mentored field experience or supervised student teaching. Using KTIP as a model and with the assistance of a mentor teacher and a college supervisor, candidates will assess strengths and needs of MSD students in a chosen classroom. When the needs have been identified for each student, various strategies will be utilized to pinpoint specific areas in which classroom effectiveness can be improved. Candidates should show consistent sensitivity to individual, academic, physical, social and cultural differences and respond in a caring manner. Student/ mentored teaching provides information and experiences that address this sensitivity through demonstration of the competences required by the Kentucky Teacher Standards as well as essential information regarding teaching as a profession and the Council for Exceptional Children Individualized Independence Curriculum (IIC) Standards for MSD. A leadership plan and professional growth plan addressing the Kentucky Teacher Standards will be completed. Candidates will critically reflect their value orientations and pedagogical foundations as they deepen their reflective practices based on the framework of the education department and its theme, “Developing scholars who are competent and caring educators, committed to a spirit of service and learning” (Georgetown College Conceptual Framework). During ECE616 candidates will extend their skills in planning curriculum and instruction for students with MSD and demonstrate all CEC competencies for MSD teachers as well as Kentucky Teachers Standards in the classroom. Candidates must submit a score for the MSD specialist Praxis before registering for ECE608/616. Candidates must pass the MSD specialty Praxis for certification.

Credit Hour(s)



Core MSD courses, including all field classes, approved application for final clinical / mentored teaching, and meeting all checkpoint 2 requirements, including passing the appropriate Praxis test.

ECE700 : Administration of Special Education Programs

The purpose of the course is to examine and discuss the functions and underlying principles of the administration of special education services in the public school setting. The role of the administrator in the development of Individualized Education Plans, student placement, student discipline, child find activities, transportation and a brief introduction to legal aspects of special education. The course will evaluate how to work with and train new staff members, relationships with SBDM councils, selection and utilization of support techniques for staff members and other critical relationships within the district and collaborating partners. This course will also look at how to evaluate personnel and programs for students with disabilities.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE702 : Advanced Topics in Assessment and Collaboration for Special Education Leaders

This course addresses topics of collaboration and assessment when working with teachers of youth with disabilities. The work of the collaboration team of all personnel will be explored. Approaches for differentiated instruction strategies in a special education classroom are discussed. Assessment has a huge role in delivery of services for the student and when communicating the needs of the student. Procedures for working with parents and educators in collaborative settings and related transitional services are also discussed.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE704 : Special Education Law and Finance

This course will focus on the laws and regulations that govern special education and related areas of education law. It is an intensive study of the legislation and litigation involved with individuals with disabilities specifically concentrating on those students between the ages of birth-21. In this course we will look at the administrative responsibility of Special Education Leadership personnel with emphasis on the understanding of the field of Special Education, administrative regulations, instructional arrangements, grant writing, and budgets.

Credit Hour(s)


ECE706 : Director of Special Education—Internship in Education Leadership

Candidates will participate in field-based experiences related to content learned throughout the Director of Special Education program. A major assessment is completed as a part of this class.

Credit Hour(s)



completion of EDA 600, 604, and ECE 700 with a minimum grade of a “B” and approval of the Ed Leadership Program Director.